Depression Therapy Online
"The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality." says Dr. Solomon, a psychology professor and author who has experienced the black cloud of depression firsthand.
Everyone experiences sadness and dark moods at times, to do so is to be human. However, when you are feeling a persistent lack of vitality, sometimes experienced as deep sadness, you may be suffering from depression.
Common features of depression include:
Lack of interest in activities that you once enjoyed
Hopelessness and a sense that things will never get better
Difficulty concentrating
Low energy
Sleep issues (often sleeping too much or too little)
Changes in diet (often eating too much or too little)
Sadness, tearfulness, or even angry outbursts
Challenges in your relationships and trouble connecting
Depression can have many causes, including chronic life stress, experiencing a traumatic event or life change, and biology.
The good news is that you don't need to live under the black cloud of depression. Estimates from the National Institute of Mental Health indicate that more than 80% of people experiencing depression could find significant relief with treatment. Depression may be telling you the story that things can't get better, but that story is wrong.
We will work to help you reconnect with those people and activities that used to bring you joy. Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) you’ll learn strategies to start noticing and shifting your thinking so that you can feel better. Depression often creates thoughts like, "I'm worthless," "I'm a failure," and "no one cares" and tries to convince you that those thoughts are true. Your therapist will help you to view yourself and your life in more helpful ways and to create some distance between what is true and what is the voice of your depression masquerading as truth.
Once you shift the way that you think, your feelings and energy will also shift for the better. Learn to create healthy habits that will positively influence your body and mind, like figuring out how to get your sleep and diet on track.
You'll learn to practice mindfulness strategies, like deep breathing or connecting to sensations in your body, which will ground you in the present moment and will help to instill a sense of calm. When challenges in your life arise, you can utilize these strategies to help yourself stay centered and to retain a hopeful attitude.
You may also benefit from Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, which works on a deep level to decrease the negative impact of painful life experiences. EMDR utilizes your body’s natural ability to heal and can also shift depressive thinking patterns, helping you to change your "I'm not good enough" script to "I am good enough."
Walking away from your depression treatment, you'll regain a sense of vitality for your life. You will feel more confident in yourself and your ability to meet any challenges that life may throw your way. You'll be better able to connect with your loved ones and to experience joy. Make an appointment today and start feeling better.