
Trauma Therapy

Most people tend to connect Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the word "trauma" with soldiers that have gone to war or with victims of violent assault. In reality, trauma is any deeply distressing event that exceeds your ability to cope and disrupts your sense of wellbeing. We all have experienced some degree of trauma in our lives. Trauma can be losing a loved one, a painful breakup, or experiencing family conflict. You can even experience secondary trauma when someone close to you shares their traumatic story. 

Hello, World!

Trauma can look like:

  • Upsetting and unwanted memories or "flashbacks"

  • Negative thoughts about yourself and the world

  • Fear of people, places, or situations that remind you of the trauma

  • Decreased interest in spending time on the activities you used to enjoy

  • Becoming disconnected in your relationships

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Being on edge or jittery

  • Irritability and angry outbursts

  • Engaging in risky behaviors 

We can help you recognize how trauma may be impacting you and hurting your life. You'll learn strategies to calm your body and your mind so that you can get back to the old you and experience calm again.

In effectively dealing with your trauma, instead of trying to push it away, you will be able to move forward and leave it in the past where it belongs. Your relationships will improve and you'll feel more positively connected to yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you.

Don't Let Your Past Hijack Your Future

None of us escape life without experiencing pain and unexpected events but you don’t need to suffer from trauma. Make an appointment and start feeling better today.